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  • 8 Diet Rules to Heal Your Gut and Have a Microbiome Breakthrough

8 Diet Rules to Heal Your Gut and Have a Microbiome Breakthrough

My gut health collapsed as a result of poor diet, medication, and antibiotics. This is how I fixed it...

I don't want to bore you with all of the sad backstory of how I got sick, but I've been sick for about 6 years.

My gut health collapsed as a result of poor diet, medication, and antibiotics.

I've seen a lot of the classic symptoms:

Yeast overgrowth, SIBO, C. difficile. I've had every symptom. Low testosterone. Popping joints. Fatigue. Loss of muscle mass etc.

I've been relentlessly trying hard to find out if it's possible to treat this naturally. I've made some big improvements this year, with the latest one making the biggest difference.

These are the rules of my diet:

  1. Eat only organic whole food. Organic food isn't healthier, but it's going to have SOMEWHAT less antibiotic use, or less harsh antibiotics. I've found it easier to digest and that my body produces better stool when I eat organic.

  2. Don't eat after 7pm. Gives your intestines time to relax etc.

  3. Have a basic intermittent fasting schedule. I don't follow this too rigidly but I basically eat between 9am and 6pm.

  4. FOOD ROTATION. This is the latest change I've made and it's made a huge difference. I think it prevents your body from building up an allergy to things. I eat chicken leg+breast for my meat (it's the part of the chicken with the most selenium and zinc), and then I rotate the carbohydrate and veggie, then add olive oil for fat and extra calories.

  5. Drink at least half a gallon of water daily but ideally more. Drink distilled water. Same logic applies since we're trying to avoid killing good bacteria.

  6. Do at least a small workout daily in the morning

  7. Organic lemon (I squeeze at least a full organic lemon into a glass of distilled water every day. I use a straw as it's acidic and I don't want it to mess up my teeth)

  8. GutVita. I’m not usually a supplement guy, but I found these helped me the most. They’re a little pricey, but I believe they’re worth it.

Since I've been eating this routine, I've experienced very little brain fog, consistent stools, and I've been sleeping really well.

I'm still in too early stages to say if this will heal me, but I have the energy and motivation to go about my day without stressing about diet, which is a first in a very long time. Certainly hope this will help you!

The Alt Health Team