The Art of Pooping

Did you know there’s good news for bad poopers?

We found through our alt health grape vine, easy ways to help you out:

  1. Elevate your feet: Use a Squatty Potty or a simple plastic stool to mimic a squatting position while on the toilet.

  2. Identify food intolerances: Common culprits like wheat and dairy can contribute to constipation. Identifying and eliminating these from your diet will help a ton.

  3. Glucomannan powder: A daily dose of this helps prevent constipation and can even help shed some pounds.

  4. Probiotics: These little fuckers eat away at bad bacteria cleaning out your gut from the inside out.

  5. Healthy fats: Consume coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocado, fish oil, and fatty fish to support digestion. Think of it as “gut lube”.

  6. Raw greens: Include at least 2 cups of raw greens with every meal to boost fiber intake.

  7. Bone broth: Drink bone broth to heal and soothe the digestive tract.

  8. Vitamin C: Higher amounts of Vitamin C can help with regularity, so consider adding it to your daily routine.

  9. A once-a-day psyllium powder supplement such as GutVita

  10. Exercise: Regular physical activity improves gut health and diversity, which in turn helps with constipation.

Start with incorporating these tips into your daily routine.

With pleasure,

Your Alt Health Weekly Crew