Five years of pain gone

It’s the collective sigh of frustration from Physical Therapists

Do you hear that? It’s the collective sigh of frustration from Physical Therapists everywhere when you say you didn’t do the physical therapy after that break or tear.

Maybe the idea of physical therapy is too simple and we think it won’t work; maybe we get an injury and just accept that it’s our reality now.

But we rarely see an injury for what it is: an opportunity for resilience.

Becca after five years of arm, neck, and shoulder pain, almost accepted her suffering as permanent. Physical therapy transformed her life in just four sessions. Finally, she made the move to try physical therapy for her pain and after just four sessions her life was changed completely.

Jacob's story pain began early in his childhood. Jacob grew up an avid baseball player and golfer, and played for years through his elbow pain. Eventually elbow pain would become back pain, and this lifelong athlete was close to being benched.

His story will sound familiar to many of us: multiple doctors who unfortunately misled him, further straining an injury when you think you’re helping, even an admission that his own doubt for physical therapy prolonged his pain and discomfort.

Challenges are essential for our growth, development, strength, and maintenance. Embrace life's challenges like resistance training to grow stronger.

In today’s issue:

  • Chat for cash? Yes please!

  • Space Bones

  • Life needs a challenge

  • Impact

  • Longevity of our body

Chat for cash? Yes please!

Do you want to take your online job from virtual to reality? Now is your chance if you are looking for a fun and rewarding way to make money from home. Live chat assistants are in huge demand worldwide right now.

Our friends at SocialSaleRep are looking for some people to work online with them.

These are no ordinary jobs as they involve answering customer questions, providing sales links, and offering discounts, which means a lot of opportunities for growth in this field. The hours will vary each week, so there are always times when it would fit your schedule, even if you already have another job!

They don't require any qualifications other than a device that can access business chat functions such as social media and website chat functions like phones, tablets, or laptops. As long as you can follow instructions and work independently, have a reliable internet connection, and work from your country, this could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Space Bones

First let’s talk about the astronomical bone loss experienced by astronauts after months in a low-pressure environment, or an environment with little to no resistance.

It’s alarming how quickly the tissue breaks down without the proper stimulus.

Most of us won’t be in space any time soon, but this serves as a sped up illustration of what can happen in our bodies over time with lack of movement and care.

Life Needs A Challenge

We see this phenomena in other parts of nature and it serves as a perfect metaphor.

What’s happening when you create a pristine environment for life but you forget the wind?

Your trees fall over.

As it turns out, trees aren’t just enjoying a breeze, they’re resistance training. Strong winds make for deep roots. Without any forces to challenge it, the tree can not sustain itself or adjust to its surroundings.

We are much the same. We tend to see the metaphorical wind in our life as an impediment, instead of recognizing it for the strength training opportunity that it is. For our mind and our body.


Strength training is like wind for our body. We may be vaguely familiar with weight training and how it’s good for our bones, but why is it?

This article explains how our bones are living tissue that respond to our lifestyles and environments, and outlines why they aren’t just built for impact. It is actually a crucial element for building bone density.

Longevity of our body

The reality is, modern medicine has extended life expectancy, which means we are tasked with the maintenance of these miraculous machines for a long time. On top of that, our day to day environments offer very few challenging opportunities.

The likelihood that we aren’t getting enough physical or mental resistance is high. So it's on us to give our bones the impact they need. How can I build a more resilient body and mind?

What about experimenting with some wind? Instead of looking for ways to make our environment softer, instead of turning our metaphorical bones to mush, let’s create some impact! And do your physical therapy!